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Peers Alley Scientific Committee, is glad to extend a warm welcome and invite all the experts in the arena of medical and healthcare to its premier Preventive Medicine & Healthcare Congress, going to be held at Vancouver, Canada during June 17-18, 2020. The Theme of the conference is; "Emphasize on recent advancements and focusing on innovative strategies in preventive medicine & healthcare”.
Healthcare 2020 Conference unites with plenty of networking opportunities to interact with renowned speakers and researchers which will enhance your professional cognizance.
Preventive Medicine and Healthcare 2020 welcomes Preventive Medicine and Healthcare Specialists, Public Health Professionals, Epidemiologists, Healthcare specialists, Health care administrators, Researchers, policy makers and Academicians, Nobel Laureates, Scientists, Physicians, Students, Industries, Professors, Societies, Lab technicians and Associations, Delegates, Students and Business Professionals to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of Preventive Medicine and Healthcare.
Healthcare 2020 is a platform for global experts, International Professors, Speakers & Delegates from across the world, to explore their cognizance in the arena of Preventive Medicine and Healthcare.
This International Congress on Preventive Medicine and Healthcare comprise of plenary talks, Industry Presentations, Panel discussions, Q&A Rounds, Oral presentations, Workshops/Symposiums, Exhibitions, B2B, B2A, and Young Researcher Forums (YRF), Poster Presentations etc. in the field of Medicine and Healthcare 2020.
Join us for two most extensive and interesting days of discussing Preventive Medicine and Healthcare research. We invite you to contribute and help us to shape the conference through submissions of your research abstracts, papers and e-posters. Also, high quality research contributions describing original and unpublished results of conceptual, constructive, empirical, experimental, or theoretical work in all areas of Medicine and Healthcare are cordially invited for presentation at the conference.
Key Sessions at Preventive Medicine and Healthcare 2020
• Preventive Medicine
• Public Health and Healthcare
• Healthcare, Services and Technologies
• Healthcare Innovations
• Advanced healthcare
• Digital Health
• Primary Care
• Occupational Health and Safety
• Healthcare and Medical Informatics
• Personalized and Precision Medicine
• Preventive Medicine and Diabetes
• Preventive Medicine and Pediatrics
• Preventive Medicines and Vaccinations
• E-Health
• Preventive Medicine and Geriatrics
• Healthcare Statistics and Research
• Healthcare and Patient Safety
• Preventive Medicine and Community Health
• Preventive Medicine and Internal Medicine
• Women’s Health Gynaecology
• Healthcare and Midwifery
• Preventive Medicine and Oncology
• Preventive Medicine and Behavioral Health
• Psychology and Psychiatric Disorders
• Healthcare and Sociology
• Preventive Medicine and Adolescent Medicine
• Preventive Medicine and Sport Medicine
• Preventive Medicine and Family Medicine
• Healthcare and Tropical Disease
• Preventive Medicine and Pharmaceuticals
• Preventive Medicine and Infectious Disease
• Preventive Medicine and Dentistry
• Healthcare Management and Emerging Trends
• Preventive Medicine and Cardiology
• Healthcare and Global Economics
• Preventive Medicine and Nutrition
• Preventive Medicine and Pathology
• Ebola Virus Disease
• Preventive Medicine and Infectious Disease
• Healthcare: Sexual Health
• Healthcare and Optometry
• Preventive Medicine and Hospital Medicine
• Obesity & Health Disorders
• Preventive Medicine and Chronic Diseases
• Healthcare and Audiology
• Preventive Medicine and Telemedicine
• Preventive Medicine and Nursing
• Preventive Medicine and Biotechnology
• Preventive Medicine and Dermatology
• Preventive Medicine and Hospital Management
• Preventive Medicine and Environmental Health
• Healthcare & Bioethics
We are looking forward to welcome you at the Preventive Medicine and Healthcare 2020 Conference in Vancouver, Canada!
To learn more about our conference please visit our website- Preventive Medicine and Healthcare Conferences
Elliana Richards
Peers Alley Media
1126 59 Ave East
V5X 1Y9, Vancouver BC
Contact us : +1-778-766-2134
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